Google Analytics Support for Apple TV's new tvOS

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We are proud to release support for Google Analytics on the new Apple TV and tvOS. The new Apple TV and its brand new tvOS operating system for the first time include an App Store that allow developers to build and release apps easily. The existing Google Analytics SDK for iOS does not work for tvOS leaving no publicly available solution for Google Analytics. Yesterday, we we released the first ever library to support tvOS on GitHub: Our SDK allows users to find insights into usage behavior, UX usage and power cross-device and app measurement. Our GitHub includes documentation on how to get started and we will be releasing a more detailed post and walk-through next week. In addition, support for Objective-C will be coming very soon, as this currently only works for Swift. Please reach out to if you have any question or need support. Analytics Pros has powered insights using Google Analytics and Google Analytics Premium on over 10 platforms including: Xbox, Playstation, Roku  and even real world games of Bocce. Audience Overview: AudienceOverview-tvOS-GoogleAnalytics Screen Views: Screens-tvOS-Google Analytics Events: Events-tvOS-Google Analytics