Founded in 2006, this brand is a designer, marketer, retailer and distributor of a variety of innovative, branded premium products to a wide-ranging customer base. When we began consulting on their analytics projects a few years ago, it was clear that while the client’s brand was flourishing, there was much more they could accomplish from behind the marketing curtain.
The client’s marketing stack consisted of disparate tools disconnected from one another, and the team was unable to understand the profiles of their target customers. One buyer was the same as another — surfers the same as rodeo enthusiasts—with no distinctive characteristics to set them apart. This led to mass emails and search campaigns with no segmentation. They needed to access customer data, analyze it and use it with additional CRM fields for more targeted engagement opportunities across all marketing tactics.
We worked with the client to implement Google Analytics 360, BigQuery and Search Ads 360 solutions, transforming their search and email programs into precisely targeted tools for engaging with customers and prospects.
The Google products have enabled the client to build a sophisticated customer segmentation strategy that helps them target audiences based on user behavior, metadata (like product color, size and build) and purchase data from Demandware. Using Data Transfer files, they can now get raw user-level data for Search Ads 360, allowing them to improve targeting down to the individual user level and drive improved search Performance.
We trained the client’s team on the Google Analytics connector for Salesforce Marketing Cloud, how to build Google Analytics audiences and how to get the best results from the Search Ads 360 platform. Adswerve also pushed audiences into Google Analytics 360 and then to Salesforce using the Google Analytics Connector for Salesforce Marketing Cloud so the Client can retarget audiences with highly relevant email campaigns.
Finally, we procured early access to Cloud for Marketing, which provides data modeling and analysis, helping the Client improve and streamline their automated bidding for search campaigns, and integrate their search, analytics, database and reporting capabilities together in a full-Google stack solution.
The company not only increased clicks by 65% but also increased conversions by 159% and return on ad spend (ROAS) by 85% for a 166% boost in revenue.
"In [our speak] you guys are truly BADASS! I love that you and your team go above and beyond… and your talents extend beyond Google Analytics 360 to the Google Cloud."