Leveraging Adobe Customer Journey Analytics to Create a Long-Term, Privacy-Safe, Foundation for Omnichannel Analytics and Personalization for Cedars-Sinai


Leading healthcare organization Cedars-Sinai strives to be at the forefront of care and deliver an exceptional patient experience. This extends to its digital experience and the Cedar’s Consumer Digital Innovation (CDI) team's efforts to advance and innovate its analytics and personalization strategy — a daunting challenge in healthcare due to complex patient privacy requirements.


To gain deeper insights into patient interactions across various channels, Cedars-Sinai's CDI team sought a modern analytics platform that extends beyond basic product and funnel analytics. They needed a solution that could map consumer and patient journeys across channels and identify specific user segments requiring actionable engagement. Viewing this as a strategic opportunity, the CDI team aimed to find a long-term solution that not only adheres to Cedars-Sinai’s stringent patient privacy requirements but also advances the organization's goal of delivering large-scale, compliant, omnichannel personalization for patients and users.


To develop this modern analytics infrastructure based on consistent tracking and accurate, HIPAA-compliant data collection across the patient journey, the CDI team selected Adobe’s Customer Journey Analytics (CJA) to replace Adobe Analytics.


With the platform selected, Cedars-Sinai needed a partner to help implement CJA properly and create consistency across several disparate web properties and mobile applications (website domains, email, MyChart and virtual care, and offline touchpoints, like call centers) and lay the foundation for its long-term omnichannel personalization strategy.

"We always aimed to transition to a more advanced analytics platform like CJA to bridge the gap between channels, gain better consumer insights, and deliver a more personalized experience while ensuring HIPAA compliance. With Adswerve’s deep expertise in analytics and technology, we’ve had a partner solely focused on delivering that value and helping us keep moving forward."
Tara Konar
Director, Technology Development
"I wanted to leverage the CJA project to develop an analytics strategy that we can really hone in on moving forward. Previously, our attribution strategy was often tied to a project's immediate needs, causing fragmented results in our tracking. Our conversations with Adswerve helped us validate our realizations, gain external feedback and insights to develop and evolve a new tracking strategy and architecture for the future."
Ryan Achzet
Manager, Technology Development


Consulting with Adobe led the CDI team to connect with potential implementation partners. The team ultimately selected Adswerve to advise on and implement CJA because of the consultancy’s expertise and experience. From the initial conversation to the seamless discovery and scoping process, it was clear that Adswerve could help the CDI team not only implement CJA but also collaborate on the strategic foundation it needed for its long-term plans. Once Adswerve was on board, the teams collaborated to develop and execute a multi-phase implementation plan.


In phase one, Adswerve served as both a technical and strategic partner to the CDI team. Adswerve completed the initial CJA implementation to connect Cedars-Sinai’s primary domain, five sub-domains and iOS and Android apps, and deliver new insights into the patient journey across their web and app assets.


Adswerve also collaborated to set the foundations for a new data governance strategy at Cedars-Sinai, helping them evolve from disparate systems and tracking approaches to a more holistic strategy. The strategic framework and new tracking documentation were key to implementing CJA to be scalable, consistent and HIPAA-compliant across the organization's tools and teams for years to come. The Adswerve team also helped align workstreams as the CDI team worked in tandem to implement the Adobe Client Data Layer internally.


With CJA implemented and currently in beta, the CDI team plans to make it the organization’s analytics platform of record in mid-2024. Adswerve will continue partnering with the CDI team to ensure Cedars-Sinai can fully leverage the new tools and insights from phase one as it expands CJA to connect additional domains, the MyChart patient portal and offline sources.

"We approached the project as a technical team, thinking of it as an implementation engagement, not a strategy-level engagement. But then we saw that the Adswerve team was on it, talking about every specific point and guiding us to discover new things that we hadn't even thought about. That was big for us."
Tara Konar
Director, Technology Development
"I’ve had a really good experience with Adswerve. There is a level of collaboration that does not exist elsewhere that I've really enjoyed. Their dialogue helps us guide our team to arrive at the best solution for Cedars."
Ryan Achzet
Manager, Technology Development


Work Streams
Moving in Tandem


Phase Completed


Domains & Apps Integrated


confidence in


Having CJA properly implemented and updated data governance underway allows Cedars-Sinai to collect accurate data across its many web and mobile assets on its journey to full omnichannel analytics and personalization. Cedars can now leverage its data to glean new insights about the user journey — especially between mobile and web — to help it better segment audiences, create more personalized marketing campaigns for patients and guests, and have clearer visibility into performance. And the organization can evolve and mature its tech stack by layering additional tools and technologies on top of CJA, like Adobe Journey Optimizer, which will further its goal to be a leader in delivering scalable, omnichannel, personalized customer experiences.

"With the strategy and underlying work in place in partnership with Adswerve, we’re in a position to improve reporting and push towards personalization. It sets us up for the next three to five years to easily bring on new tools and leverage CJA capabilities vs. starting from ground zero with each new integration."
Ryan Achzet
Manager, Technology Development
"I’m excited to leverage CJA to provide deeper insights into the overall patient journey to the organization, which is a very new concept at Cedars, and move forward on our journey of personalization while balancing our requirements around compliance. The deep analytics and technology expertise brought by Adswerve have helped get us to this point, and now we’re in a position to continue innovating and improving."
Tara Konar
Director, Technology Development

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