
Next Generation of Analytics Engine - Interactive Management Console

Written by Caleb Whitmore | Sep 14, 2011 6:00:00 AM

​Analytics Engine "lotus" Release Is Here

After more than 2 years of development we're extremely excited to announce the release of our next generation for Anaytics Engine.  We've codenamed this project "lotus" after the favorite car of our senior product engineer on the platform.  This release is more than an update: it is a whole new world.  With lotus we're moving to:
  • A completely new engine core - written from the ground up, super small, super​ fast, and extremely​ powerful
  • Completely new rule syntax - rules are now more powerful than before allowing more complex criteria and expanded reporting capabilities
  • CDN-based script delivery​ - prior versions of Analytics Engine served the script core and rules off Google App Engine - this has been fast and ultra-reliable (100% up-time over 2.5 years), however it wasn't fastenough​ for us - our CDN now localizes the script at edge-points all over the world
  • Last but not least, we're unveiling the end-user interactive visual rules editor - users can now create simple or complex event tracking rules in a graphically driven, interactive user interface and save them to deploy live
Create, Edit, Deploy, Track - Instantly
Analytics Engine allows users of Google Analytics to create comprehensive and complex event tracking rules without technical knowledge to master editing HTML, going through the IT department or development agency, and waiting days or weeks (even months in some cases) for code deployments to happen in order for the new tracking to go live. With the new version, using Analytics Engine is as easy as 1-2-3:
  1. Signup for the system
  2. Create tracking rules
  3. Place the tag one time and never touch your site code again
Once the tag is placed, new rules can be created at any time, on-demand through the interactive rules editor.

Advanced Capabilities

Have you ever wanted to track a Goal only to be unable to because the "goal" page isn't a unique URL?  With Analytics Engine this concern and just about any others are erased.  With advanced modules available for the enterprise level of our platform we can do things like:
  • Report a pageview, event, or custom variables based on text displayed on a page.
  • Measure interactions based on full DOM node structure - want to measure clicks on buttons within a certain part of the page? No problem.
  • Automate cross-domain link tagging in adverse conditions and platforms, like NetSuite
  • Manage enterprise-wide global roll-up reporting and cross-site tracking from one central location - aggregate data from across all your websites into one Google Analytics report profile with only a small one-time code edit
Unique Technology
Our management interface and custom JavaScript library powering Analytics Engine are a unique combination of technology.  We've chosen to build our own scripting core rather than using something like jQuery because we wanted to support a wider set of capabilities, have a smaller script (8k vs. 80k+), and something that runs faster (a few milliseconds for executing dozens of complex rules).

Support, Finally!

We've worked had to setup a platform that will afford sustainable support and have integrated this into the system.  The support section includes submitting tickets with questions as well as a knowledgebase of documentation.

Take it for a Spin

We're easing this baby onto the streets carefully, starting with a private beta.  We'd love you to be involved, so  sign up and we'll get you an invite just as quickly as possible.  Our goal is to move to an open public beta within a few weeks and final launch shortly thereafter.  Beta users will, of course, have first-access, and we'll work in something special for them in the long-run as well.