Adapting to Google's Third-Party Cookie Update: 3 Steps To Strengthen Your Data Strategies

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Now that Google has shifted plans to deprecate third-party cookies and instead offer more user choice in Chrome, marketers are evaluating their options for moving forward. Many were in the process of moving away from third-party cookies and adopting new first-party data strategies that re-architect their measurement and attribution strategies. Luckily, that work is still applicable — even necessary — moving forward. 

After Google’s announcement, EMARKETER opined, “Even with Google’s new direction, third-party cookies are unlikely to remain the primary tracking method on Chrome; advertisers should still prepare for the post-cookie future.” No matter what happens with Chrome, first-party data is, and will remain, one of your most valuable assets. 

You might be wondering what to do now. Read on for three steps you can take to stay ahead and face the uncertain future with confidence.

1. Continue To Strengthen Your First-Party Data Strategies

Strengthening your first-party data strategies will help you maintain personalized marketing and customer insights without relying on third-party cookies. Here’s how to get started:

Audit Your First- and Third-Party Data

Your first step should be understanding how reliant you are on third-party cookies. Auditing your data can help you determine what you have to work with and what gaps you may have moving forward.

Enhance Data Collection

Depending on the size of your first-party data pool, you may need to employ additional methods to collect more, such as creating engaging new content, surveys and gated assets. This can enrich and expand your data store and help build stronger customer relationships.

Integrate Data Sources

Unify all your first-party data sources, including CRM and website analytics, to create a comprehensive view of your customers. This integration allows for better data analysis and more effective marketing strategies.

Leverage CRM Systems

Utilize your CRM system to tie online behaviors to offline data, creating a more complete customer profile. This holistic view is essential for personalized marketing and improving customer experiences.

2. Prioritize Privacy Compliance

Google may not deprecate third-party cookies, but that doesn’t change the fact that consumers expect more privacy online and states continue to pass legislation restricting advertisers’ tracking capabilities. As privacy regulations continue to evolve, ensuring compliance is paramount. By proactively managing your privacy practices, you can build trust with your audience and avoid potential pitfalls. Here’s how to prioritize privacy compliance in your strategy:

Audit Your Data and Privacy Practices

Review your data collection methods and privacy policies regularly to ensure compliance with the latest regulations. Focus on transparency and user consent to build trust with your audience.

Implement Privacy-Enhancing Technologies

Adopt technologies like server-side device IDs and Google's Privacy Sandbox APIs. These tools help maintain consistent metrics and prepare you for a future without third-party cookies.

Create a Technical Roadmap

Develop a detailed plan for updating your tagging infrastructure and capturing essential events for attribution. Ensure that your roadmap includes strategies for enhancing first-party data collection and staying compliant with privacy regulations.

3. Embrace AI and Privacy-Preserving Technologies

Adapting to the changing landscape requires embracing innovation. AI and new technologies offer powerful tools for maintaining effective advertising strategies and gaining deeper insights from your data. Make sure you’re leveraging the latest AI tools, testing new solutions and complying with evolving privacy regulations. 

AI-Powered Insights

Invest in AI tools to analyze first-party data for deeper insights and predictive modeling. AI can help you understand customer behavior, optimize marketing campaigns and drive better business outcomes.

Innovative Industry Solutions

Tap into tools designed to help, like  Google’s Publisher Advertiser Identity Reconciliation (PAIR). It works with Display & Video 360 (DV360) and on the publisher side, connecting and matching 1P data from each. This allows marketers to serve relevant ads to their audiences without sharing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) with DV360 or the supply-side platform.

Continuous Testing

Regularly test new solutions and tools to stay ahead of the curve. This approach ensures that your data strategy remains effective and adapts to industry changes.

We know there’s a lot of industry information circulating about what’s next. These steps should help guide you through the uncertainty. But if you need help clarifying your plan for the future, we’re here and ready to consult. Contact us, and one of our experts will get in touch shortly.